Lessons 59 & 60 - 24.01.2018

 0    22 schede    Language Academy
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Domanda Risposta
a small village
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mała wieś
a big city
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duże miasto
a beautiful woman
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piękna kobieta
an ugly man
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brzydki facet
a cheap ticket
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tani bilet
an expensive flat
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drogie mieszkanie
friendly neighbourhood
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przyjazne sąsiedztwo
unfriendly person
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nieprzyjazna osoba
Is it in the city centre?
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Czy to w centrum miasta?
In fact........
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W rzeczywistości/W zasadzie
one more question
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jeszcze jedno pytanie
There's a hospital.
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Jest szpital.
Is there any shop?
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Czy jest jakiś sklep?
There isn't any park in our city.
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W naszym mieście nie ma żadnego parku.
There are three supermarkets.
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Są trzy supermarkety.
Are there any schools?
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Czy są jakieś szkoły?
There aren't any stairs in this house.
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W tym domu nie ma żadnych schodów.
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a jar of jam
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słoik dżemu
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grzyby, pieczarki
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