Lesson 6

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Contribute/Contribution/ make a contribution
He wanted to make a contribution to society as a citizen and founder.
покупка, закупка
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Purchase of software to upgrade local networks.
потребление, употреблять, употребление, потребительство
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Consume / consumer / consumerism
дефицит, редкость, нужда, нехватка
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Scarcity of food forced the herds to move.
стоить состояние
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Cost a fortune
His gambling cost him a fortune. That meal last night cost an absolute fortune.
отвергать / отрицать идею
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dismiss / Reject the idea of
I reject the idea of starting a war.
естественная часть жизни
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Natural part of life
You shouldn't be afraid of change. Change is a natural part of life.
конфликтовать из-за школьных обязанностей
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Clash over school responsibilities
clash with - конфликторвать / clash into - столкнуться

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