Lesson 4

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Domanda Risposta
Czy macie czas?
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Do you have any time?
Nie muszę dziś iść do pracy
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I don't have to go to work today
On teras śpi
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He is sleeping now
W ogrodzie sa dwa krzesła
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There are two chairs in the garden
W lodówce nie ma masła
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There is no butter in the fridge
Czy jest tam parking?
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Is there any parking?
On często gra w bale
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He often plays football
Czy on zawsze chodzi do pubu?
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Does he often go to the pub?
Chciałbym dostać dwa piwa
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I would like to get 2 beers please
Czy potrafisz latać?
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Can you fly?
On chce iść do kina
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He wants to go to the cinema
Ja muszę poczekać na klienta
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I have to wait for my customer
Czy ty musisz dziś pracować tak długo?
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Do you have to work so long today?
Nie muszę tego kupować
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I don't have to buy it.
Czy ty chcesz iść ze mną?
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Do you want to go with me?
Chcę, abyś mi pomógł.
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I want you to help me.
Chę, aby on pojechał z nami
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I want him to go with us
On che abym kupił nowy samochód
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He wants me to buy a new car.

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