Lesson 10: Small talk

 0    21 schede    Milan Pupezin
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Domanda Risposta
How is your day?
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Jak się dzisiaj masz?
It is awful
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To jest okropne
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tak sobie
It is fine
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W porządku
It is fantastic!
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To jest fantastyczne!
How is your family?
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Jak tam twoja rodzina?
How's the new house?
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Jak tam nowy dom?
How's the new car?
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Jak tam nowy samochód?
What a pity!
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Jaka szkoda!
Oh, nothing.
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Och, nic.
Just life
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Po prostu życie
What happened?
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Co się stało?
How delightful!
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Jak zachwycająco!
How's the weather in...?
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Jaka jest pogoda w ...?
Is this your first time in Poland?
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Czy to twój pierwszy raz w Polsce?
Will you have time for sightseeing?
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Czy masz czas na zwiedzanie?
What do you think of the food here?
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Co sądzisz o jedzeniu tutaj?
Do you do any sports?
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Czy robisz jakieś sporty?
Which team do you support?
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Której drużynie kibicujesz?
How was your trip?
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Jak minęła Panu podróż?
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