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Przyznawać fakt
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acknowledge the fact that
Zakłócający spokój
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Ryzykowny awanturnicza strona charakteru
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adventurous side of character
Przyciągać uwagę podobać się
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appeal to
Odpierać odrzucać 3x
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repulse, reject, rebuff
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to damage or spoil something good
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to mar
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not socially acceptable / notorious/ wrong-headed /odrażający 2x
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abhorrent, repugnant
be greater in number of something
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to say officially that something is banned
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to pass a law (usually in passive form)
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a law was enacted in 1985
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uderzenie zegara, chime
big and heavy (about money)
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to exceed
najważniejszy / jej wpływ był najważniejszy
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paramount / her influence was paramount
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dokładnie badać, scrutise
sth goes smooth / ease
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to plain sailling
szczyt osiągnięc / szczyt rozkitu
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up and running
upraszczać / racjonalizować / usuwać wąskie gardła / opływowy
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to streamline
sedno sprawy
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the crux of the matter
luka prawna
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podmuch / zapach
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rozrost / sudden increase
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the police (suggestion of powerfull)
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the long arm of the law
to punish someone as severely as possible
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to throw the book at
otrzymać wyrok więzienia / to have a prison sentence
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to do a stretch
spending time in prision
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doing time
be punished
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be brought to book
a brief but severe punishment
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a short sharp shock
behaving in an hones and moral way
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to keep them on the straight and narrow
the police
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the boys in blue
Someone who gets a legitimate job which is the opposite of their previous one
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a poacher turned gamekeeper
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film zawiera nic poza pościagami policji
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the film consists of nothing but car chase
rozgrywać pomiędzy stronami
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to play off one side against other
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to distinguishe sth from sth
oskrażyć kogoś o kradzież
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accuse someone of stealing
obwiniać kogoś za coś
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blame someone for
zniknąć z więzienia 4x
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to vanish /to emerge / to ran away /to escape from a prison
wymienić na lepszy model 2x
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to swap / subsititute this computer for a more recent model
jego muzyka przypomina chopina
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his music is reminiscent of chopin
ta piosenka jest obrazująca jego szczególny styl
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this song is illustrative of his particular style
wstęp do czegoś
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prelude to sth
w następnstwie do czegoś
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in the sequel to sth
ma smaka na przygody / lubi przygody
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he has a taste for adventures
żądza pieniędzy
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a craving for money
atakować coś
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to attack on
ubezpieczenie na wypadek śmierci
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insurance against death
zabezpieczać się przed czymś
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a safeguard against
wyciąg z
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an extract from
bez wytchnienia
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out of breath
nie do uwierzenia
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beyond belief
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in advance
nie spóźnij się
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without delay
być winnym
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be at fault
niepokojący niedobór w ilości
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alarmingly deficient in the amount
obfitujący w niebezpieczeństwo
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frought in danger
chłopiec został oskrażony o mówienie kłamst
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the boys was accused of telling lies
on był poddawany niekończoncemu się zastraszaniu gdy był dzieckiem
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he was subjected to endless bullying as a child

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