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This calls for a celebration! It's the sort of work that calls for a high level of concentration. inizia ad imparare
wezwać do czegoś, cos wymaga czegos
The fish squirmed on the ground for a few moments and then lay still. inizia ad imparare
wiercić się, kręcić się, skręcać sie
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I was never privy to conversations between top management. inizia ad imparare
He was ambling along the beach. inizia ad imparare
spacerowac, w powolny zrelaxowany sposob
We could stroll along the beach after dinner. inizia ad imparare
We waded a shallow river. inizia ad imparare
brnąć przez wode, brodzic, przejsc przez rzekę
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The best remedy for grief is hard work. inizia ad imparare
lekarstwo, środek zaradczy
Bruce Willis of Die Hard fame inizia ad imparare
How did the problem come about in the first place? inizia ad imparare
Her family have been accused of cashing in on her death. inizia ad imparare
zarobić na sth/ czerpac z czegos korzysci
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He is arguably the world's best football player. inizia ad imparare
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no sooner alex had finished homework than he went out on his bike inizia ad imparare
She doesn't approve of my friends. inizia ad imparare
aprobować cos, akceptowac
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The inquiry was begun at the instigation of Senator Hyde (= he asked for it). inizia ad imparare
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zdeterminowant zeby cos zrobic
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zaangazowany, oddany zeby cos zrobic
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zapalony, zeby cos zrobic, oddany
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Ambulances, police cars, and fire engines all converged on the scene. inizia ad imparare
przybywać do czegoś, zjezdzac sie
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We paused to marvel at the view. inizia ad imparare
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