lekcja 5

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Domanda Risposta
zjawisko, fenomen
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phenomenon (fe'nomenen)
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natychmiast, nagle, w tym samym momencie
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instant – immediate ('imidiet) - sudden
a cover for a bed / area of sth - pokrywa, warstwa czegoś
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a cover for a bed / area of sth - pokryw in inglese
gwałtowny, ulewny (deszcz)
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rapid, heavy (rain), torrential, pouring, lashing
spieczony, wyschnięty, spragniony
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parched, dried, thirsty
mieć swoje plusy i minusy
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have their pros and cons, be a mixed blessing
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inevitable, certain to happen, impossible to avoid
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undoubtedly, -(an'dałtedli), for sure, without any hesitation, doubtless (dałtles)
wybitni klimatolodzy
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distinguished climatologists-excellent climatologists (klajme'tolodzists)
obszerny, rozległy, szczegółowy
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extensive, detailed, -itemised (ajtemajst)
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wyolbrzymić, zawyżyć
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exaggerate, overstate, overemphasise
ciągle, nieustannie
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continuously, constantly
coraz bardziej
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more and more, increasingly

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