lekcja 08

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Domanda Risposta
trafny, adekwatny, trafiony
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accurate, adequate, hit, pertinent
z wykształcenia
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of education, by formal education
aczkolwiek, chociaż, mimo że, pomimo że, jakkolwiek
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albeit, However, although, despite the fact that, despite the fact that, although
przebrnąć przez coś
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go through something, plough through / up / across sth
strata, obrót
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blizzard, blizzards had been sweeping the country
pomarszczony, zasuszony
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wrinkled, dried-up, frail, wizened
almost dead
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barely alive
dumać, rozmyślać,
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ponder, meditate, muse over/ upon / about / on (
odkrywczy, nowatorski
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visionary, innovative, revelatory-(reve'lejteri)

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