KZ TEST 2 cd.

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Domanda Risposta
podziwiać widok
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to marvel at the view
starannie przeczytać umowę
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to read the small print
interesting, scandalous story
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a juicy story
to do sth at the very last moment, to have very little time
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to keep/ meet tight deadlines
dissapointed, dissatisfied
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początkowe problemy
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teething trouble
to adopt certain procedures
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to take measures
to intend
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to set out
to agree to do
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to take on
to investigate
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to look into/ to check out
to make inquiries (prowadzić dochodzenie)
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to follow up
to be highlighted (być wyróżnionym, podkreślonym)
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to stand out
to discover
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to find out
to test
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to tryout
to mention
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to point out
to tolerate
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to put up with
to concede (ustępować, dawać za wygraną)
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to back down
chwytać się brzytwy
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to clutch at straws
through good times and bad times
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through thick and thin
to be confused or badly organized
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to be at sixes and sevens
very uncertain or critical
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touch and go
very often
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time and again
unharmed and whole or healthy
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safe and sound
willingness to accept suggestions from another person and give up some of your own
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give and take
to be the type of person who enjoys social occasions and makes them more enjoyable for other people
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to be the life and soul of the party
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to visit briefly
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to call at (zawinąć, przybyć gdzieś na chwilę, podskoczyć gdzieś)
to remove, tidy
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to clear out sth
one's own relatives; one's own kin
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flesh and blood
to leave someone unsupported and unable to maneuver; to leave someone helpless
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to leave someone high and dry
przekonać się do czegoś
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to come round to sth
spotkać się z uznaniem, przejść (np. o pomyśle)
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to come across
zdobywać coś (co jest trudne do zdobycia)/ wpaść gdzieś, wpaść do jakiegoś miejsca (np. przejazdem)
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to come by sth
zejść do jakiejś ceny/ przekazywać komuś coś (np. spadek, spuściznę)
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to come down to
dojść do siebie, odzyskać przytomność
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to come round/ to come to
spełniać coś (np. oczekiwania)
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to come up to
wschodzić (np. roślina zasadzona w ziemi)
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to come up
dziedziczyć w spadku
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to come into
wybuchnąć, eksplodować, wystrzelić, wypalić/ wydarzyć się
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to go on
robić postępy (np. w nauce, w dobrym zachowaniu)
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to come on
zdarzyć się, stać się (zwłaszcza niespodziewanie)
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to come about
wychodzić cało z czegoś
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come through sth
znaleźć coś (np. rozwiązanie problemu)
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to come up with sth
przychodzić z pomocą, oferować pomoc/ zgłaszać się (np. na ochotnika)
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to come forward
dołączać (np. do dyskusji)/ wchodzić w modę, stać się popularnym
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to come in
ukazywać się (w druku)
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to come out
dostawać czegoś (np. wysypki)
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to come out in sth
przyjeżdżać, wpadać (do kogoś)/odnieść zamierzony efekt lub wrażenie
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to come over
to trade in sth
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to deal in
to tackle a problem/ cope with
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to deal with
to abolish/ to get rid of
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to do away with (pozbyć się czegoś)
to criticise
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to do down
to be in serious problem
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to be done for
to deprive of
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to do out of (odsunąć kogoś np od jego pracy)
to fasten (a coat) zapiąć
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to do up
to need/ would like
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to do with
to manage in spite of lack of sth
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to do without
to imply, suggest
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to drive at
to have a feeling that sb is talking about me
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to feel one's ears burning
within the rules
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fair and square
to manage to look serious
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to (keep) a straight face
to be inexperienced
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to be green
very quickly
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in a flash
guard/ protect sth
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to keep an eye on sth
to insist
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to put one's foot down
to be very tired
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to be worn out
family member
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one's flesh and blood
to not work too hard, relax
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take it easy
nieproszony gość (np. na imprezie)
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źle coś rozpocząć np zajomość
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get off on the wrong foot
nie doceniać kogoś
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take sb for granted
świat nie kończy się na (kimś)
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there are plenty more fish in the sea
być dla kogoś czarną magią
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be all Greek to somebody
dowiedzieć się o czymś pocztą pantoflową
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hear something on the grapevine
całkowicie, głęboko (np. zakochany)
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head over heels
strzelić gafę, chlapnąć (coś), palnąć (coś), wyskoczyć (z czymś)
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put one's foot in it
mieć żabę w gardle (mieć trudności z mówieniem z powodu choroby)
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have a frog in your throat
be/ have easily available/ have free access to
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be/ have at one's fingertips
become very angry/ lose one's temper
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to blow a fuse
tobecome important or popular
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to come to the fore
to try to hide one's disappointment
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to put on a brave face/ put a brave face on a situation
to do sth no matter what
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without fail
scare/ rare
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few and far between
in person
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in flesh
(talking) at length
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in full flow
be successful
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bear fruit
judging by how sth appears
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on the face of it
blame sb for sth
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point the finger of suspicion
think suitable or right
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see fit
penniless (bez grosza)
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flat broke
not know sth at all
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not have the foggiest idea
be nervous or frighteened because sth might fail
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to get cold feet
used to doing sth without thinking
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by/ from force of habit
głuchy jak pień
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as deaf as a post
biały jak ściana
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as white as a sheet
silny jak koń
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as strong as a horse
zdrów jak ryba
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as right as rain
milczący jak grób
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as silent as the grave
chudy jak szczapa
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as thin as a rake
chory jak pies
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as sick as a dog
być opanowanym
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be as cool as a cucumber
być całkowicie odmiennym
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be as different as chalk and cheese
a gaggle (stado) of
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a shoal (ławica) of
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a pride (stado) of
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a swarm (rój, chmara) of
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a colony of
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monkeys, ants
a herd (stado) of
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a flock (gromada) of
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a pack of
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cards, wolves
a troop of
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soldiers, monkeys
a school (ławica) of
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a bunch of
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