Klasa rozumienie tekstów 2 part 1

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Domanda English Risposta English
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(of a person's voice) low and rough, often in an attractive way, or because of illness
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a formal statement of a planned new law that is discussed before being voted on
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a law or set of laws suggested by a government and made official by a parliament
picket fence
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a low fence made of a row of flat sticks which are pointed at the top and often painted white
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a person who is trying to achieve success or fame, usually unsuccessfully
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a person, especially a child or a man, who does things that you disapprove of, but who you still like
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a request to use a web page on the Internet that is then counted to calculate the number of people looking at the page
at the whim
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a sudden wish or idea, especially one that cannot be reasonably explained
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a way of thinking about something, especially expressed in a publicly stated opinion Stanowisko, nastawienie (do czegoś)
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allowed by law or reasonable and acceptable
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an illegal plan for making money przekręt, oszustwo
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attracting a lot of attention and interest from the public and newpapers, television, etc
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expensive and luxurious; very attractive to look at, taste, smell,
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If the police or other officials seize something, they take possession of it with legal authority
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in the air or in a higher position
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not able to be explained or understood
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not attractive and awkward or socially embarrassing
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not happening regularly or continuously; stopping and starting repeatedly or with periods in between
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on or at the top of
vantage point
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place, especially a high place, which provides a good clear view of an area
on their behalf
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representing; instead of
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said without any preparation or practice
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someone who tries to get power or an advantage in every situation
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the end of something that was previously considered to be powerful, such as a business, industry or system

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