Ketrin 14th March 2017 (45 min)

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Po staremu
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Same old (same old)
Czy mogę sprawdzić?
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May I check it?
Musiałam pomóc mojemu dad.
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I had to help my dad.
to clean
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to tidy
Musiałam pozmywać naczynia.
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I had to wash the dishes. / I had do the dishes.
zmywać naczynia
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to do the dishes
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to translate sth INTO sth
I don't know how to translate it into Russian?
Can you translate this word into English?
I like volleyball.
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I'm into volleyball.
I like you.
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I'm into you.
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strata czasu
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it's a waste of time
to jest strata pieniędzy
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it's a waste of money
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mess (adjective: messy)
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a tv series
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w tygodniu
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in the week
to nie to samo
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it's not the same
mieszkanie z babcią ma zalety i wady
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living with my granny has advantages and disadvantages

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