Karolina 7th May 2015 (1 hour)

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Domanda Risposta
zapłacić za coś z góry
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to pay for sth in advance
z góry przepraszam
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sorry in advance
dziękuję, że jesteś za mną szczera
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thank you for being honest with me
z dużym wyprzedzeniem
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well in advance
If we buy tickets well in advance, we'll save a lot of money.
płacić za coś
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to pay for sth
oszczędzać na coś
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to save for sth
wydawać pieniądze na coś
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to spend (money) ON sth
How much did you spend on this dress?
nie pamiętam ile wydaa na te spodnie
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I don't remember how much I spent on These trousers.
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cute / sweet
dlatego nie miałam czasu, żeby powtórzyć
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that's why I didn't have time to revise
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to fall asleep
Nie pamiętam o której zasnęłam.
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I don't remember what time I fell asleep.
Jestem jedynaczką.
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I'm an only child.
powtarzać po kimś/papugować
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to parrot
mój lekarz powiedział mi, żebym nie chodziła na aerobik.
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my doctor told me not to go aerobics.
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na lekach
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on medication
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to forbid - forbade - forbidden
He was forbidden to leave the house, as a punishment.
forbid somebody to do something
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karać kogoś za coś
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to punish sb FOR sth
za stary
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too old
do kina
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TO the cinema
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bacause / coz
I can't help you coz I don't have money.
Jestem spłukana
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I'm broke.
pojechać nad jezioro
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to go BY the lake
pojechać nad morze
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to go by the sea
dostać udaru słonecznego
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to get sunburn / to get sunstroke
Chciałabym wziąć udział w waszym konkursie.
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I'd like to take part/ participate in your competition
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to pronounce
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Prime Minister
oblać egzamin
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to fail an exam
pojechać na wycieczkę
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to go on a trip / to take a trip

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