Kamile 6th March 2017 #4

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Domanda Risposta
po staremu / nic nowego
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same old, same old
Dawno się nie widziałyśmy.
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Long time no see.
Czy miałaś udany weekend?
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Did you have a nice / a good weekend?
Czy spałaś dobrze?
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Did you sleep well?
całkiem dobrze
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quite well
Ja muszę otworzyć drzwi.
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I have to open the door.
Ktoś jest pod drzwiami.
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Someone is AT the door.
Ktoś puka do drzwi (teraz).
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Somebody is knocking on the door.
Ja muszę (zrobić)...
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I have to ... / I must...
Ty musisz
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You have to ... / You must...
On / Ona musi...
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He / She HAS to ... / must
Ona musi nam pomóc.
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She has to help us.
Ja muszę odrobić lekcje dzisiaj wieczorem.
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I have to / must do my homework tonight / this evening.
Muszę iść do domu.
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I have to go home/ I must go home.
obowiązki domowe
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household chores
myć naczynia
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to do the dishes
myć podłogi
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mopping floors
robić pranie
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to do the laundry / to do the washing
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to clean / to tidy
odkurzać dywany
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to hoover / to vacuum
I have TO mop the floor, hoover and do the dishes.
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Poszłam pobiegać.
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I went running.
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płatki owsiane / owsianka
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Pojechaliśmy na zakupy.
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We went shopping.
Czy możesz przesłać więcej pracy dowmowej?
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Can/Could you send me more homework?
podczas gdy
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Ona oglądała tv podczas gdy ja czytałam książkę.
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She was watching tv while I was reading a book.
Moja mama sprzątała kuchnię, gdy ja odrabiałam lekcje.
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My mum WAS CLEANING (clean) the kitchen while I WAS DOING (do) my homework.
Był poważny wypadek samochodowy w pobliżu E.
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There was a serious car accident close to E.
Oni odrabiali lekcje, podczas gdy ja biegałam.
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They WERE doing their homework WHILE I was running / jogging.
wyłączyć światło
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to turn off the light / to swith off the light
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to turn on the light / to switch on the light
zakręcić kran
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to trun off the tap / to turn the tap off
Jaka jest różnica?
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What's the difference?
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brać prysznic
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to TAKE / HAVE a shower
brać kąpiel
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to TAKE / HAVE a bath
Myslę, że ludzi powinni brać prysznic zamiast kąpieli.
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I think people should take a shower instead of a bath.
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instead of
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a comedy
Obejrzeliśmy komedię zamiast horroru.
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We watched a comedy instead of a horror.
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fridge / refrigerator
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zamrażać jedzenie
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to freeze your food
It's a good idea TO freeze your food.
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brać coś pod uwagę
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to consider
I think you should consider movING to Vilnius.
advantages and disadvantages
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pros and cons
Jest dużo zalet i wad miwszkania na wsi.
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There are many advantages and disadvantages OF living in the countryside.

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