Już to wiesz - You already know that

 0    12 schede    kingazak87
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Domanda Risposta
Robię zakupy.
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I do the shopping.
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Let's go!
Mam problem.
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I've got a problem.
Nadal jestem studentem.
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I'm still a student.
Poproszę hamburgera. Can I have a hamburger?
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I'll hamburgera. Can I have a hamburger?
Wyłącz TV.
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Switch off the TV.
Włącz komputer.
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Switch on the computer.
Lubię sport.
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I like sport.
Gdzie jest najbliższy supermarket?
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Where is the nearest supermarket?
Mam dużo czasu w ten weekend.
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I have a lot of time this weekend.
Czy mój hotel jest blisko centrum?
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Is my hotel close to the centre?
Muzeum Narodowe jest nudne.
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The National Museum is boring.

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