justina 7th May 2014

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ciągle, cały czas
Ona jest cały czas zmęczona.
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constantly, all the time
She's constantly tired.
zadzwoń do mnie za trzy godziny
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call me IN three hours
Nic nie żałuję.
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I don't regret anything.
powinnaś się zdrzemnąć
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you should take a nap.
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to fall asleep
zmartwiony czymś
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worried ABOUT sth
Nie powinnaś zdradzać męża.
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you ought not to cheat on your husband.
ought not to = oughtn't to
zdradzać kogoś
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to cheat on sb
Wolę kawę od herbaty.
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I prefer coffee to tea.
general preference
Czy wolisz siatkówkę czy koszykówkę?
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Do you prefer volleyball or basketball?
Czy wolisz grać w szachy czy tenisa?
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Would you prefer to play chess OR tennis?
would prefer + to do sth
Wolałabym tenisa (niż szachy).
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I'd prefer tennis (TO chess).
Wolałabym ugotować coś niż jeść na mieście.
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I'd prefer to cook something RATHER THAN eat out.
would prefer to do sth + RATHER THAN + do sth
jechać na rowerze
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to ride a bike
iść na spacer
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to go for a walk
Wolałabym pójść do kina niż do teatru.
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I'd rather go to the cinema THAN to the theater. I'd prefer going to the cinema TO (going) the theatre.
would rather + do sth + than + do sth
pasuje mi
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it's fine with me / it's fine by me
Wolałabym wyjść na miasto niż zostać w domu.
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I'd rather go out THAN stay at home. I'd prefer to go out RATHER THAN stay at home.
would rather + do sth + than + do sth/ would prefer + to do sth + rather than + do sth

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