Justina 4th Feb 2015 (1)

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Domanda Risposta
przeżyć / przetrwać
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to survive
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włącz to
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switch IT on
to kwestia jednego tygodnia
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it's a matter of one week
napaść np. na bank
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to rob - robbed - robbed
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wykręcić numer
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to dial - dialled - dialled (a number)
centrum handlowe
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shopping mall
wydawać pieniądze na coś
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to spend money ON sth
How much did you spend on this car?
o czym oni rozmawiali?
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what have they talked about?
czym się interesujesz?
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What are you interested in?
głośne uderzenie
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a loud bang
Musiałam zostać w pracy
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I had TO stay at work.
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włączyć coś
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to switch sth on / to turn sth on
pilot do tv
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remote control
to jest o wiele za duże
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it's FAR too big
podnieść coś
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to pick sth up / to lift sth
on jest o wiele bardziej inteligentny
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he's much more intelligent
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INTELLIGENT - more intelligent - THE most intelligent
ładny / miły
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nice - nicer - the nicest
ona jest o wiele milsza
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she's much nicer
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expensive - more expensive - the most expensive
this car IS much more expensive
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cheap - cheaper - the cheapest
this bike is much cheaper
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to suggest
powinnaś obejrzeć ten film
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you should w atch this film / I suggest you watch this film / I suggest watching this film.
polecać zrobienie czegoś / rekomendować
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to recommend
I recommend that you read this book. / I recommend reading this book.
radzić komuś zrobienie czegoś
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to advise sb TO do sth / to advise sb ON sth

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