Justina 29th Oct 2014

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Zamierzam pójść do lekarza.
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I'm going to go to the doctor.
I'm going to have an appointment with the doctor.
I'm going to see the doctor.
mieć/ umówić się na spotkanie (lub wizytę u lekarza)
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to have / make an appointment
iść na cmentarz
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to go TO the cemetery
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Będzie padać. (bo widzisz zachmurzone niebo)
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It's going to rain.
Jestem pewna że on nam pomoże.
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I'm sure he will help us.
Przepraszam, czy mogę pożyczyć twój długopis na chwilę?
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Excuse me. Could I BORROW your pen for a moment?
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to repair
wystawić fakturę za zrobienie czegoś
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to invoice sb FOR (doing) sth
We forgot to invoice them for the goods.
spłacić coś / oddać pieniądze
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to pay sth back / to give sth back
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czuj się jak u siebie w domu
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make yourself AT home
NEVER: make yourself LIKE at home
w tym tygodniu
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this week
NEVER: in this week
w tym miesiącu
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this month
NEVER: in this month
w tym roku
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this year
NEVER: in this year
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inmate = prisoner
skazany za coś
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to be convicted OF sth
winny czegoś
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to be guilty OF sth
odsiadywać wyrok
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to do time
być przydatnym
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to come in handy = to be useful
this might come in handy = this might be useful
wypuścić kogoś na wolność
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to release sb = to free sb
to free - freed - freed
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cookie / biscuit

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