justina 27th June 201

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to admire
I really admire the way she brings up her kids.
zachorować na coś
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to get sick with
My sister got sich with flu.
pół roku
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half a year
Pogrzeb odbędzie się w Wilnie.
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The funeral will be held in Vilnius.
o ile mi wiadomo
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as far as I know
ona urodziła się w 1956
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she WAS born in 1956 (nineteen fifty-six)
w lutym skończyłam 29 lat
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in February TURNED 29 years old
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to recover, to get better
After a few days of fever, she began to recover.
zapisać się na kurs
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to enrol ON/ FOR BrE, to enroll IN sth AmE
nie miałam czasu, żeby zapisać się na ten kurs
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I didn't have time TO to enrol ON/FOR/IN this course.
Czasami myślę sobie, że jestem poliglotą
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Sometimes I think to myself that I am a polyglot
porównywać z czymś
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to compare to / with sth
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