Justina 21st Nov 2014

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pada deszcz ze śniegiem
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it's sleeting
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it's drizzling
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acne (uncountable)
a medical problem which causes a lot of red spots on your face and neck and mainly affects young people
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a small raised red spot on your skin, especially on your face
wystawa (np. w galerii obrazów)
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exhibition (eg in the image gallery)
dla mojego chrześniaka
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for my godson
on skończy 10 lat
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he will be 10 / he will turn 10
w pobliżu czegoś / niedaleko
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in the vicinity of sth
rynek / bazar
Jestem na bazarze / na rynku
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I'm AT the market
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to register
świat nie kończy się na (kimś)
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there are plenty more fish in the SEA
jest dużo książek w bibliotece
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there are plenty of books in the library = there are many books in the library
mam ważniejszą sprawę do załatwienia
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I have bigger fish to fry
rodzina, która składa się z...
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a family which consists OF...
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someone who spends too much time studying and seems to have no other interests - used in order to show disapproval
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ona jest z Azji
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she's from Asia

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