justina 11th July 2014

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to fall asleep
O której zasnęłaś?
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What time did you fall asleep?
O której poszłaś spać?
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What time did you go TO sleep?
Moje największe marzenie to mówić biegle po angielsku.
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My biggest dream is TO speak English fluently.
Jakie jest jego największe marzenie.
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What is his biggest dream?
Nie mam marzeń, mam plany.
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I don't have dreams, I have plans.
moje największe marzenie to pojechać nad morze.
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my biggest dream is TO go BY the sea.
czy to jest świeże?
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is it fresh?
Od czasu do czasu chodzę do kina.
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From time to time/ Every now and then I go to the cinema.
zaoszczędzić pieniądze na coś
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to save money FOR = to save up for sth
Czy stać Cię na wycieczkę do Egiptu?
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Can you afford (to buy) a trip to Egypt?
zapisać coś na komputerze
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to save sth ON you computer
Chcę zaoszczędzić na nowy telefon komórkowy.
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I want to save (money) FOR a new mobile phone.
Wczoraj wydałam tysiąc funtów na nowy komputer.
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Yesterday I spent a thousand pounds ON a new computer.
wydawać pieniądze
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to spend money ON sth
ile wydałaś na tę sukienkę?
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how much did you spend ON this dress?
nie mam pojęcia
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I have no idea
nie mam pojęcia gdzie on jest
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I have no idea where he is
nie wiem ile on ma lat
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I don't know how old he is.
Nie mamy pojęcia gdzie on mieszka.
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We have no idea where he lives.
ona wie gdzie on pracuje.
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She knows where he works.
na ekranie
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ON the screen
w książce
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IN the book
w moim komputerze
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ON my computer
w liście
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IN the letter
w gazecie
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in the newspaper
w radiu
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ON the radio
w telewizji
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w internecie
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online, on the Internet
na monitorze
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on the monitor
w mailu
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IN the email
Pracuję na moim laptopie.
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I'm working ON my laptop.
Możesz zobaczyć jego zdjęcia na moim iphonie.
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You can see his picture ON my iPhone.
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Obejrzałam nową lekcję Rebeki na engvid.
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I watched Rebecca's new lesson ON engVid.
Ona ma wielu przyjaciół na FB
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She has many friends ON Facebook.
To jest samochód mojego taty.
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This is my dad's bike.
te zabawki należą do tych chłopców
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these are these boys' toys
to są kwiaty tych pań
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these are these ladies' flowers / these are these women's flowers
to są samochody tych mężczyzn
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these are these men's cars
Co jest twoim największym marzeniem?
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What is your biggest dream?
moje największe marzenie to wyjazd do Stanów.
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My biggest dream is to go to the USA.
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sen/ sny
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dream/ dreams
Często mam koszmary.
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I often have nightmares.
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On nie pamięta o której wstał.
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He doesn't remember what time he got up.
Nie pamiętam o której poszłam spać.
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I don't remember what time I went to sleep.
Spałam osiem godzin.
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I slept eight hours.
Ile godzin spałaś?
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How many hours did you sleep?
Spałam dobrze, a ty?
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I slept well, and you?
jak spałaś?
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how did you sleep?
ona śpi
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she's asleep / she's sleeping
czy on śpi?
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is he asleep?
nastawiać budzik
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to set the alarm
to set - set - set
I've set the alarm FOR 7 o'clock.
zadzwonić np. budzik
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to go off
I'm late because my alarm didn't go off.
Nie mogłam zasnąć
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I couldn't fall asleep
idź spać
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go to sleep
zasnąć np. w czasie filmu
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to drop off = to doze off = to nod off
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snooze, nap
drzemka, drzemać
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nap = > to take/ have a nap

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