Jeremy living place

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przejąć kontrolę, dowodzenie. To take on a leadership role and become responsible for a situation
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take charge
być lepszym zawsze krok przed. To be better prepared or more successful then someone else
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one step ahead
historia dokonań
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track record
to be prepared to do some hard work. Gotowy do cięzkiej roboty
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to roll up one's sleeves. Alex sets a good example because he is always willing to roll up his sleeves
kulturalny szakal sęp, a person who is very interested in the arts, especially to an obsessive degree
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culture vulture
to coordinate people's efforts, to gather people for common purpose. Zarządzanie ludźmi
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rally the troops. She is good at rally the troops and motivating them to their best potential
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well-off, rich, wealthy
zamknięte / splajtowane sklepy. Shops that are no longer doing business
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boarded up shopes
sieciówki (sklepy)
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chain stores
to stop doing business
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to close down
butiki modowe z ciuchami
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fashionable boutiques
to travel around
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to get around
wielopiętrowce, multi-story apartments
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high-rise flats
śródmieście, the central part of a city where people live and where conditions are often poor
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inner city
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in the suburbs
żyjąc ebary restauracje with good atmosphere
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lively bars/restaurants
duzy biurowwiec, large building that contains offices
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office block
marekty poza miastem
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retail park/ out of town shopping centre
domy w złym stanie
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poor housing
zamierać (miasto) stare i w słabym stanie old and of a poor standard
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run down
miasto "rozwalone" na durzym obszarze
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sprawling citty
zatory w ruchu, heavy traffic making it difficult to move around the city
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traffic congestion
luksusowe / droższe sklepy
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upmarket shops
nowoczesne wygody (pralka, zmywarka itd...)
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mod cons, modern conveniences
blok mieszkalny, large building made up of smaller units of apartaments
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apartment block
ogród z tyłu domu
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back garden
wyremontować dom od podstaw, to rapair an old building
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to do up a property
to buy a property with the aim of buying another bigger or more expensive one later in life
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to get on the property ladder
a college or university building where students live
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hall of residence
komforty w domu
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home comforts
szukanie nieruchomości do zycia
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house hunting
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housewarming party
to live on the university or college grounds
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to live on campus
wprowadzić się
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to move into
stałe zameldowanie adres
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permanent address
zapłacić depozyt
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to put down a deposit
przestrzenne duży pokój
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cpacious room
student accomodation, pokój studencki
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student digs
wziąć kredyt hipoteczny
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to take out mortgage
pałeczki do jedzenia
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trzęsienie ziemi
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