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to think creatively
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to think outside the box
to analyse problem layer by layer
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to peel the onion
very important
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mission critical
to show total commitment and effort
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to give 110 percent
to do more than is expected or asked
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to go the extra mile
no tolerance of people who are not contributing
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no room for passengers
to show commitment
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to get on board
the process of inducting people into the company
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to belive in or accept and show willingness
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to buy into sth
to expand the limits of current understanding
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to push the envelope
imaginative thinking about totally new ideas
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blue sky thinking
to waste time
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to boil the ocean
to work to the same objectives
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to pull in the same direction
to work together with the same understanding of situation
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to sing of the same song sheet
to have a team meeting
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to get into a huddle
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out of office
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out of pocket
to contact the office
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to touch base
to remain in communication and be informed about sth as it happens
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keep in the loop
to manipulate or gain an advantage
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to leverage sb or sth
to communicate with the customer
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to send sth over the wall
to increase the worth of sth through contribution or work
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to add value
an important thing to be done
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key deliverable
strong and able to withstand use or testing
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accepted exemple of the way to do sth
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best practice
designed exclusively to a customer's requirements
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tailored / bespoke
consultancy process at the begenning of a project to determine the extent of a project or problem
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to put to a new use
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to reporpose
a very difficult situation
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a burning platform
financial loss
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negative profit
to reorganise the structure of an organisation
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to restructure
to reduce capacity and workforce to math falling demand
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to downsize / right size
a block on recruitment keeping employee numbers on a current level
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headcount freeze
to move a service to another country
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to offshore
immediate gain
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quick win
business that is easily acquired
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low hanging fruit
knowing all there is to know about current issues
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up to speed
doable in the future
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to develope to the next level
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to take sth to the next level
brief period where a chance to do or get sth is temporarily available
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window of opportunity

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