Izabela 28th June 2015

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Domanda Risposta
pracować/zostać po godzinach
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to work / to stay after hours
świadectwo szkolne
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a school report
chodźmy spać
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let's go to sleep / le's go to bed
Wczoraj skończyłam 55 lat.
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Yesterday I turned 55.
spóźnione życzenia urodzinowe
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happy belated birthday
kawał / żart
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a prank
zrobić komuś kawał
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to prank sb
płyn do płukania jamy ustnej
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Jestem spłukana.
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I'm broke.
Zapłacę za tę zupę.
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This soup is on me.
kady paci za siebie
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let's go dutch.
Ta kolejka jest na koszt właściciela restauracji.
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This round is on the house.
mimo że
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despite / in spite of / although / though
We enjoyed our camping holiday in spite of the rain. / Despite the pain in his leg he completed the marathon. / The holiday was great although the hotel wasn’t very nice.
mimo że
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despite of the fact that ... / in spite of the fact that...
Despite the fact that he worked very hard, he didn’t manage to pass the exam. / In spite of the fact that he worked very hard, he didn’t manage to pass the exam.
mimo że
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even though
We decided to buy the house even though we didn’t really have enough money.
Even though is a slightly stronger form of although.

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