iwka 7th March 2014

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Jeśli skończę o szóstej, pojedziemy na wieś.
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If I finish at 6, we'll go to the country.
jeśli mi pomożesz, pójdę z tobą do kina.
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if you help me, I'll go with you to the movies.
jeśli będę mieć czas, pomogę ci.
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if I have time, I'll help you.
Kto puka do drzwi?
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Who is knocking on the door?
Z kim poszłaś na imprezę?
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Who did you go to the party with?
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a teenager
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rodzice zastępczy
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foster parents
oddać coś
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to give sth away
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teach - taught - taught
portal społecznościowy
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social networking site, SN site
być z kimś w kontakcie
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be in contact with someone; to keep in touch with sb; to stay in touch with sb; to be in touch with sb
wady i zalety
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pros and cons
stracić kontakt z kimś
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to lose touch/contact with sb
zalogować się na facebooku
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log in on fb
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ich przyjaciele
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their friends
Nigdy nie jadłam ślimaka.
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I've never eaten a snail.
nigdy nie piłam piwa z sokiem.
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I never drank beer with juice.
Nigdy nie czytałam tej książki.
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I've never read the book.
Nidgy nie poznałam nikogo online.
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Had not previously met anyone online.
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on THE Internet
Mój brat kiedyś palił papierosy.
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My brother used to smoke a lot.
Kiedyś uczyłam się niemieckiego.
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I used to study German.
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tracić czas na coś
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to waste time on something
ciekawy, ciekawość
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curious, curiosity
plastry nikotynowe
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nicotine patches
kończyć studia
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to graduate FROM sth
technikum samochodowe
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technical school of mechanics
dla użytkowników facebooks
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facebooks users
absolwent uniwersytetu
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a graduate of
jestem w związku z Emilem
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I'm in a relationship with Emil
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