Iwka 5th July 2016 (1 hour)

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Domanda Risposta
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zupa buraczkowa
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beet soup / beetroot soup
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Nie robiłam nic specjalnego.
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I didn't do anything special. / I did nothing special.
z jednej strony
z drugiej strony
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on the one hand
on the one hand
Pospałam dłużej.
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I slept in.
Zostawię to na recepcji.
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I'll leave it at the reception.
w tygodniu
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in the week
szukać czegoś
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to look FOR / to search FOR
Odbiorę to później.
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I'll collect it later.
odbierać coś
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to pick sth up / to collect
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każdy list
każda pocztówka
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every letter
every postcard
Poopalałam się
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I did some sunbathing.
Zwiedzamy Warszawę.
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We're looking around Warsaw.
rozglądać się
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to look around
Pojedźmy nad jezioro.
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Let's go TO the lake.
Oni pojechali nad morze.
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They went to the seaside.
Jestem nad jeziorem.
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I'm by the lake.
Jestem w górach
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I'm in the mountains.
Ile jest stopni?
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How many degrees is it?
Zjadłam dwie ryby.
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I ate two pieces of fish.
być wybrednym
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I'm not fussy about food.
Our teacher is very fussy about punctuation.
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blood sausage
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na zdjęciu
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IN the picture

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