Iwka 10th Jan 2016 (1 h) #6

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Domanda Risposta
w Wigilię
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ON Christmas Eve
w Boże Narodzenie
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AT Christmas
poświęcać coś czemuś / komuś
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to devote sth TO sth / sb
She devoted herself entirely to writing.
NEVER: to devote sth FOR sth / sb
dzielić coś na coś
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to divide sth into sth
We divided the work between us.
A sentence can be divided up into meaningful segments.
komórka (w ciele)
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The cells began to divide rapidly.
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moi przyjaciele przyjechali do mnie
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my friends came to mine
Przyjdź do mnie, jeśli masz wolny czas.
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Came to mine if you have time.
podejść do kogoś
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to come up to sb
Gdy poznałam Sama, polubiliśmy się od razu.
świetnie się rozumieć
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When I met Sam we hit it off immediately.
We hit it off straight away.
to hit it off with sb
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a person who smokes cigarettes continuously, lighting the next one from the one they have just smoked
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a chain-smoker
Nie zgadzam się z tobą.
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I disagree with you.
w Drugi Dzień Świąt
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on Boxing Day
Czy masz jakieś postanowienia noworoczne?
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Have you MADE any New Year's resolutions?
Jestem pewna, że ona nas okłamała.
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She must have lied to us.
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strength /kTH/
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Szybkiego powrotu do zdrowia!
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Get well soon!
na co dzień
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on a daily basis
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Kiedy masz termin?
Kolejny pociąg ma przyjechać za 5 min.
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When are you due? / When is your baby due?
The next train is due in five minutes.
urodzić dziecko
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to give birth TO sb
urodzić dziecko / przyjąć poród
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to deliver a baby
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It was a difficult labour. / Older women tend to have more difficult labours.
Jane was IN labour for ten hours.
Cieszę się (twoim szczęściem).
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I'm so happy FOR you.
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The company wants to keep down labour costs.
obóz pracy
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a labour camp
He was sentenced to two years in a labour camp.
On został skazany na...
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He was sentenced to...

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