Is student life all good?

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seeing through rose-tinted spectacles
through rose-tinted spectacles seeing a situation as better than it really was
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widząc przez różowe okulary
counselling professional help with personal or psychological problems
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counselling service
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usługi doradcze
balancing act
balancing act where you try to give your attention to two or more things at the same time
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próba godzenia sprzecznych interesów
Did you get any counselling? And that means professional help with personal or psychological problems.
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look after someone
to look after someone means to protect or take care of someone
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opiekować się kimś
head of the counselling service
Head of the counselling service at Brunel University
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szef służby doradczej
Just about
Just about does mean almost or very nearly
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watching TV with a takeaway. of course a takeaway cause I can't cook anything.
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jedzenie na wynos
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zaniepokojony, zniecierpliwiony
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widowisko / okulary

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