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Domanda English Risposta English
@ How much do you want to stay?
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I would like a long time, at least a one year
How long will you be here?
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Jak długo tu będziesz?
@ When do you want to take a holiday?
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I want to take a days off from eleventh September to seventeenth September.
When do you want to have days off?
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Kiedy chcesz wziąć dni wolne?
Will you want to take a day off?
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Czy będziesz chciał wziaźć urlop?
@ Where did you work earlier?
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I worked in Germany three months in Frakfurt on construction and on washing. I build showroom Mercedes Ben.
Have you worked before?
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Czy pracowałeś wcześniej?
@ On what position do you want to work?
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I would like to work on a post night hygiene operative.
@ Preferred shift time?
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In the night. From eight pm to four am

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