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bez obciazenie ladowni /pokladu
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the safety load of (no ... hold/ the ... deck)
na metr kwadratowy
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per square metre
elewator zbozowy
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grain elevator
te slopy nie pozwalaja na bezpieczny przeladunek
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these slings do not permit safe cargo handling
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ile metrow szescienych przestrzeni ladunkowej jest potrzebne
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how many cubic metres of cargo space is required
jakie sa rozmiary luków
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what is the size of the hatch openings
bezpieczne obciazenie pokladu drugiego ladowni nr 5 wynosi 10 ton n metr kwadr
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the safety load of the double deck of no 5 hold is ten tonnes per square metre
statek zabierze jeszcze 10 ton paliwa
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the vessel will still bunkier ten tonnes of fuel
te stropy nie pozwalaja na bezpieczny przeladunek
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these slings do not permit safe cargo handling
zrobic kalkulacje statecznosci
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make the stability calculation

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