Ikea tells an adoption story

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Domanda English Risposta English
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It's not easy. This is a tough decision.
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Contact your local retailer for technical support. (sprzedawca detaliczny)
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A quirky woman. dziwny, dziwaczny, ekscentryczny
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1. The execution of the prisoner took place early in the morning. egzekucja 2 Execution of our plan will be easy. wykonanie
making an effort
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Agency is making an effort to show something
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frills - bajery, dodatki
spot follow
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The spot follows a woman's journey
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There was a heartfelt
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I would like to share my testimony (świadectwo życia)
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There was a caption under the picture on the wall. podpis np pod obrazkiem
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1. I felt acute pain in my knee. 2. Acute sensitivity. ostry, przenikliwy
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I wasn't able to attend because of a prior plan. poprzedni
prior to something
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The results were not known prior to official publication
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Agency helped the brand tackle such different topics as anging and divorce. starzenie się
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1. She couldn't tackle this concept. pojąć, zrozumieć, 2 The company has to tackle the crisis. uporać się, stawić czoła
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Adolescense is a period of transition between childhood and adulthood
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Your behaviour wasn't appropiate for this situation. The film wasn't appropiate for children. 3 I didn't really think, that would be appropiate.
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1. conmonly used, 2. Death is conmonly caused by road accidents
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1. Please, don't interrupt me, 1. Without inerrupting story's gentle flow
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1. You have to be gentle, 2. Watch out, it's a gentle fabric, 3. I miss your gentle touch
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I'm not quite sure how to nurture this plant
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1. He had no notes, apparently he needed noone, 1. Apparently she considered me an easy makr, 2. He was brave only apparently.
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I'm looking for playful boy
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1. The item I loved the most was the punkt bear, 1. Wr sent you the items, you ordered, 2. The first item on the list is butter, 3. The item in the newspaper said that twenty people died in the shooting
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1. I composed a recipe for new salad, 2. Do you know who composed music for this movie?

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