Idiomy unit 3

 0    12 schede    sebii123
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able to think or react very quickly
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be on the ball
change the rules/limits, making something more difficult
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move the goalposts
lose concentration
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take your eye off the ball
a fair situation
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a level playing field
a completely new or different situation
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a whole new ball
do or say something which has the opposite result to your intention
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score an own goal
wpoić, wpajać dyscyplinę
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instill discipline
strzelać do własnej walki
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score an own goal
coś zupełnie nowego
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a whole new ball game
zapewnienie wszystkim wyrównanych szans
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level playing field
zdekoncentrować się
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take your eye off the ball
zmieniać reguły gry
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move the goalposts

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