Idiomy angielskie z książki "A good turn of phrase", unit 1

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Domanda English Risposta English
down in the dumps
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keep sb in the dark
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to keep sb unaware of sth
not be all it/he/she/you, etc. is cracked up to be
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to be not as good as people say
catch sb’s eye
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to get sb’s attention
right up one’s street
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within one’s range of interests/knowledge
take things easy
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to relax
off the beaten track
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isolated and quiet
come down to earth with a bump
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to stop dreaming and start thinking practically
in one’s element
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very happy/suited to a situation
the crack of dawn
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very early in the morning
get away from it all
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to take a break from work or problems
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ordinary and unexciting
as brown as a berry
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very suntanned
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all day and all night
one’s best bet
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the most appropriate choice
over the moon
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extremely pleased
get into the swing of sth
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to become accustomed to sth and start enjoying it
steer clear (of sb/sth)
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to avoid (sb/sth)
let one’s hair down
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to relax and enjoy oneself
a new lease of life
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a return of energy or enthusiasm

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