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wszędzie dobrze gdzie nas nie ma inizia ad imparare
the grass is greener on the other side of the fence When you look at other homes, the grass is often greener on the other side of the fence.
wszystko dobre, co się dobrze kończy inizia ad imparare
all's well that ends well The weather was terrible when we arrived in France but after two days it changed completely and we had a wonderful holiday. All's well that ends well.
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My parents hit the roof when I told them that I failed my exam again.
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When Chris told me he'd crashed my car, I just saw red.
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have a finger in every pie I can't stand her any longer! She has to have a finger in every pie! Can't she just mind her own business?
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poke/stick your nose into sth She's always poking her nose into other people's business.
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The movie was so funny that finally even Susan burst out laughing.
wyczerpany nakład książki inizia ad imparare
I'm sorry but the book you've ordered is out of print.
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He let slip that he had been in prison.
wygadać się, wyjawić sekret inizia ad imparare
I showed Tom my present for our mother and asked him not to spill the beans.
wyglądający i czujący się rześko inizia ad imparare
Although I came back late from the party last night I was as fresh as a daisy in the morning.
wygrać los na loterii, zgarnąć całą pulę inizia ad imparare
How does it come that he can afford such a car if he works at a construction site!? He must have hit the jackpot or something!'
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Let's get this straight. You're sure you didn't leave your wallet at home, right?
wyjść z siebie, wściec się inizia ad imparare
I swear - one more remark like this and I will fly off the handle!
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I will not let my son go to France on his own. It is out of the question.
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He really did a number on his ex-girlfriend, making her come back to him and then dumping her.
wynagradzać szkodę/szkody inizia ad imparare
He went to him and begged his forgiveness, saying he would do anything he could to make amends.
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I tried to be nice to him but finally he went too far! I simply told him to get stuffed...
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written all over one's face When Nick was told that he hadn't won the contest, disappointment was written all over his face.
wyrażać (komuś) swoje uznanie, oddawać hołd inizia ad imparare
In, a concert was held at Wembley Stadium to pay tribute to Freddie Mercury from Queen.
wyrzucić coś z siebie, zrzucić ciężar z serca inizia ad imparare
to get sth off your chest I kept on thinking about telling Mark that he hurt me and I was glad to get it off my chest at last.
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After years in the rat race she's finally decided to quit and spend more time with her family.
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The press are putting pressure on the minister to resign.
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He called her names when she refused to date him, which only proved that it was actually a right decision...
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She heaved a sigh of relief when she heard the good news.
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to take something into account Remember to take his age into account when deciding what kind of work to give him.
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from the bottom of one's heart I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your help.
z otwartymi ramionami, chętnie inizia ad imparare
I accepted Kate's invitation to her birthday party with open arms.
z palcem w nosie, z łatwością inizia ad imparare
Don't stay up all night, his tests are so easy you'll pass them with your hands down.
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After a week of good weather winter has returned with a vengeance today.
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It was very cold and it snowed for three days in a row.
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Don't say I told you to do it, you did it off your own bat and I had nothing to do with it.
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She realized that she had never done anything on her own initiative without the motivation of someone else.
z własnej woli, inicjatywy inizia ad imparare
I didn't ask him to clean up my car - he did it of his own accord.
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My mother works as an English teacher but she's an economist by profession.
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He killed the girl in cold blood just to get the money.
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Oh, come on! I am not going to ask him such question! Not for all the tea in China!
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We must win at all costs.
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Let's play hide-and-seek! I'm seeking first...
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I only read magazines in doctors' waiting rooms to kill time.
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The Prime Minister will take the floor in budget discussion on Wednesday.
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The comment that he made was only an attempt to save face in that difficult situation.
zachowywać powagę, nie wybuchać śmiechem inizia ad imparare
Toby can't tell jokes. He never keeps a straight face and starts laughing right before the punch line.
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For some reason they want to muddy the waters. I think their business is not quite legal...
'zaczaić' coś, załapać (jak coś działa, lub na czym polega) inizia ad imparare
And then, as I finally got the hang of this new system, everything turned out to be so easy.
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I'll give you a ring in the evening.
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Sorry. I have to go now, but I will give you a buzz later, ok?
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to kill somebody with kindness My husband is killing me with kindness. Sometimes I just need to be left alone and he wants to spend all day with me.
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Julie goes to this pub every night because she has fallen for its barman.
zakomunikować komuś przykrą wiadomość inizia ad imparare
I had the unpleasant duty of breaking the news of John's death to his wife.
zakończyć coś, przerwać, fajrant inizia ad imparare
Why don't we call it a day and go home?
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Of course this old quarrel is long forgotten! Why don't Kate and Mike bury the hatchet at last?
załamywać się, tracić panowanie nad sobą inizia ad imparare
After his child was badly injured in a car accident, he simply went to pieces.
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He finally got the message and left Mary and John alone together.
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I'm all ears- tell me how it happened that you've come back to Poland.
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Could I have a word with you about our meeting?
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Time please! These were the last drinks. Please come back tomorrow.
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The trip was marvellous. We had a great time and the whole experience whetted our appetite for more.
zapomnieć czegoś, wylecieć z pamięci inizia ad imparare
I felt so terrible when I bought her these roses... It slipped my mind that she is allergic to them!
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Tom told me that all his friends are less intelligent than he is. He's such a big head!
zasięgnąć rady (kogoś kto się na tym zna), skonsultować coś inizia ad imparare
Terry, I need to pick your brains about the computer software - I've heard you are an expert.
zatrzymywać samochód (prosząc o podwiezienie) inizia ad imparare
I'm afraid we have no choice and if we want to get out of here we have to thumb a lift.
zbić kogoś na kwaśne jabłko inizia ad imparare
beat somebody black and blue Tommy always threatens his little sister that he will beat her black and blue if she tells their parents about his marks at school.
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After few days Mike decided to pluck up courage and ask Helen out.
zbyt piękne, by było prawdziwe inizia ad imparare
I still can't believe I got that job. It's just too good to be true.
zdecydować się nagle coś zrobić inizia ad imparare
to take sth into your head He seems to have taken it into his head to ask Ann to marry him.
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John looks hale and hearty these days and he's very active.
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They waited for the news with bated breath.
'zedrzeć z kogoś' (cenowo) inizia ad imparare
Don't go to that hairdresser over there. It's nothing special but they will rip you off!
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I didn't ask you for your silly comments. Get out of my face!
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Come down to earth and stop dreaming about Mark; he doesn't even like you.
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This program was very popular so the information that it went off the air caused a wave of protest.
zepsuć coś, źle coś zrobić inizia ad imparare
I know I've made a mess of my exam and I'll have to take it again.
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Hell is so terrible that those who go there will weep and gnash their teeth. Mary gnashes her teeth in frustration.
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When they see my new boyfriend, all the girls will turn green with envy.
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Last season we hit a bad patch of form and suddenly we were out of the Champions League.
złapać kogoś na gorącym uczynku inizia ad imparare
The trial won't take long as the defendant was caught red-handed.
zmieszany, zakłopotany lub zły inizia ad imparare
Jim gets all hot and bothered when I mention his ex-girlfriend.
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The atmosphere in the room was getting more and more tense, so I made myself scarce on the first possible occasion.
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to know sth like the back of sb's hand I can be your guide in this city - I grew up here so I know the place like the back of my hand.
znienacka, nieoczekiwanie inizia ad imparare
The letter came out of the blue - I didn't expect to hear from him ever again.
zrobić komuś piekło na ziemi, spowodować cierpienie inizia ad imparare
Our boss put us through hell before he admitted that actually it wasn't our fault that we had failed with the deadline.
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to make head or tail of sth Can you help me? I can't make head or tail of these instructions on the radio.
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I have no idea how she can stand living with such a nagging husband as hers.
zupełnie goły, całkiem nagi inizia ad imparare
The small children playing on the beach were stark naked.
zupełnie inny, nie mający nic wspólnego inizia ad imparare
This house is a far cry from the one we were shown yesterday; it's much nicer.
zupełnie trzeźwy, trzeźwy jak świnia inizia ad imparare
to be as sober as a judge You may not believe me but I know what I saw - I was sober as a judge when it happened.
źle, opacznie kogoś zrozumieć inizia ad imparare
Don't get me wrong. I didn't want to say he was a fool.
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The root of the problem is that they don't learn enough to pass this exam.
żyć bardzo długo, dożyc późnej starości inizia ad imparare
to live to a grand old age Our dog was always very active and lived to a grand old age.
żyć cicho, samemu, bez towarzystwa inizia ad imparare
to keep oneself to oneself Mary hardly ever goes out with us; she keeps herself to herself.