Idiomy 2

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traktować kogoś chłodno
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to give sb a cold shoulder
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szukać kłopotów
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to ask for trouble
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to disappear into thin air
spędzać czas
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to hang out
igrać z ogniem
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to play with fire
kusić los
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to push the luck
nadstawiać za kogoś karku
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to stick (one's) neck out for sb
powiedzieć parę słów prawdy
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to tell sb a few home truths
krótko mówiąc
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to cut a long story short
owijać w bawełnę
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to beat about the bush
ani mru mru
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don't tell a soul
nieograniczone możliwości
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sky's the limit
pobożne życzenie
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wishful thinking
szaleńczo drogi
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to cost an arm and a leg
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mieć po dziurki w nosie
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to be sick and tired of

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