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wypchaj się sianem
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get lost
chcé wziąć coś na ząb
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I want to have a snack
owijać prawdę w bawełnę
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beats around the bush
Stop beating around the bush!
mieć muchy w nosie
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Stop sulking!
szukać dziury w całym
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to be nit-picky
He's a real nitpicker.
nawarzyć piwa
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mess things up
You messed everything up.
myśleć o niebieskich migdałach
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to daydream
Stop daydreaming and get back to work.
dać nogę
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to run away
He stole an apple and ran away.
nabić kogoś w butelkę
Nabierasz mnie?
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pull your leg
Are you pulling my leg?
obiecywa komu gruszki na wierzbie
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to promise sb the world
He promised her the world and left her after a few months.
uciekać gdzie pieprz rośnie
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to run like hell
wiercić komuś dziurę w brzuchu
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to pester sb (for sth)
He always pesters me for money.

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