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(szczęście w nieszczęściu) sth that seems to be a problem at first but that has a good result in the end
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(marne grosze) amount of money that is not enough to be important
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(dziecinnie proste) to be very easy to do
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amount of sth that is too small or unimportant to make any real difference to a situation
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(wysiłek) the effort used in physical work
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(jednorazowy wyczyn) sudden success that last onlya short time and is not likely to be repeated
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person or thing that spoils the situation
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(być wygadanym) If someone has the gift of the gab, they speak in a persuasive and interesting way.
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a person who can repair everything
the life and sould of the party inizia ad imparare
a sociable and grogarious person
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One who, because of strangeness of behavior or belief, stands alone in or out from a group.
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wyścig szczurów, the ruthless, competitive struggle for success in work, etc.
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If you have a shot in the dark at something, you try something where you have little hope of success, strzał w ciemno
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a welcome and pleasant sight
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a careless mistake while saying sth
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a conservative, stubborn person
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rzut kamieniem, very close
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f someone exaggerates a problem or makes a small problem seem far greater than it really is, burza w szklance wody
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pocz problemy, The problems that a project has when it is starting
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techer's favourite student
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a man whowon't get married
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If a race ends in a dead heat, two or more finish with exactly the same result.
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it is completely incomprehensible, nonsens, bełkot
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the person who doeas all the boring routine work
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payment made to someone to get them to leave their job.
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an additional problemin a series of unpleasant events
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an event, situation, etc., having both advantages and disadvantages
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trick played on someone that is meant to be funny for people watching, though normally embarrassing for the person being tricked, psikus
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If you get a raw deal, you are treated unfairly., niesprawiedliwe traktowanie
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a route that is shorter than the usual one, skrót
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If you keep your emotions to yourself and don't let others know how you feel when something bad happens, nie pokazywać uczuć
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Something that is likely to be hard to achieve or fulfil is a tall order, ciężka sprawa
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believing that something is true or that something will happen just because one wishes that it were true or would happen, pobożne życzenie
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Someone who has butterfingers is clumsy and drops things. = all thumbs
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If you are in a jam, you are in some trouble. If you get out of a jam, you avoid trouble.
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If some is paid peanuts, their salary is very low.
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One who is severely impaired mentally and physically, as by brain injury or disease.
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People who are salt of the earth are decent, dependable and unpretentious., zwykły, uczciwy człowiek
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When someone says something critical or negative because they are jealous, it is a case of sour grapes., zazdrość
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nie lubić, nie przepadać za czymś
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look similar almost the same
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kłopotliwy problem wymagający rozwiazania
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remis, nierozstrzygnięta bitwa
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gość który ma przeskrobane u kogoś
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zdrada; a crime committed by someone against the organization that they work for (not used with the)
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tani jak barszcz, za psie pieniądze
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(sth has been a) sore point with inizia ad imparare
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although sth is supposed to be a secret, everybody knows it
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leave job without asking permission first
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(to have a) bee in his bonnet about inizia ad imparare
to kill two birds with one stone inizia ad imparare
birds of a feather flock together inizia ad imparare
people who are similar stick together
have butterflies in sb stomach inizia ad imparare
denerwować się, mieć tremę
Don't count your chickens before they are hatched inizia ad imparare
nie mów hop, póki nie przeskoczysz
be a wolf in sheep's clothing inizia ad imparare
Don't kill the goose that lays the golden egg inizia ad imparare
zabić kurę przynoszącą złote jajka
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to ruin sb chances for success
let the cat out of the bag inizia ad imparare
to tell a secret carelessly or by mistake
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to waste sb effort by trying to do sth that is no longer interesting
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można to robić w nieskończoność
plenty more fish in the sea inizia ad imparare
tego kwiatu jest pół światu
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become very anxious, angry, disappointed
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wieczór kawalerski/panieński