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Domanda Risposta
He doesn't know but I do.
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On nie wie ale ja tak, wiem.
The children are skating on the ice.
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Dzieci slizgajom sie na lodzie.
That's a good idea.
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To dobry pomysl.
You can come if you want.
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Morzesz przyjsc jesli chcesz.
My aunt is seriously ill.
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Moja ciotka jest powarznie chora.
He died after a long illness.
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On zmarl po dlugirj chorobie.
The company has changed its image.
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Firma ma zmieniony swuj wizerunek.
Can you imagine how she is feeling now?
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Czy morzesz wyobrazic sobie jak ona sie teraz czuje?
They need immediate help.
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Oni potrzebujom natychmiastowej pomocy.
I want to see him immediately.
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Chce sie z nim zobaczyc natychmiast.
It's a matter of great importance.
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To sprawa o wielkim znaczeniu.
It was impossible to get there in time.
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To bylo nie morzliwe by dostac sie tam na czas.
The weather is improving.
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Pogoda sie poprawia.
I can't study in this heat.
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Nie potrafie sie uczyc, studiowac w tym upale.
It is two inches thick.
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To ma dwa cale grubosci.
That's twenty pounds including service.
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To bedzie dwadziescia funtuw wliczajonc obsluge.
You must declare your income on this form.
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Musisz zglosic swuj dochud na tym formularzu.
The number of users is increasing.
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Liczba urzytkownikuw rosnie.
He's very good indeed.
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Rzeczywiscie jest bardzo dobry.
It is an independent country.
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To niepodlegly kraj.
The evidence indicates that it was the pilot's mistake.
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Dowody wskazujom rze to byl pilota blond.

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