holidays 24🇮🇹

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linia śrubowa, spirala🌪️🫏
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a curve that goes around a central tube or cone shape in the form of a spiral
handlować (nielegalnie) biletami
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scalp ticket
mieszkanie 🇬🇧
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flat 🇬🇧
światło ultrafioletowe
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ultraviolet light
ząb trzonowy
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podmokły, bagienny; nasączony wodą 🌦️
two words
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wetland; soppy
We'd better get going, before everyone gets all soppy," he said. There are wetland territories all around the castle.
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As small fry, they had all looked much the same. After three or four days the fry will be seen developing.
dmuchawa do liści
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leaf blower
wystawić się na coś
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expose/open oneself to sth
leave oneself open to sth
pełnotłusty, PEŁNOPRAWNY pełnowymiarowy
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having no fat removed
full-fat dairy products. Having a full-fat version of Windows has benefits, like downloading and installing Windows apps with ease.
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The name can be used to refer to other ungulates, as well. The answer for most ungulates appears to be their food supply.
sierść (umaszczenie konia)
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coat (horse coloration)
Your cat's coat is so soft, how often do you brush it?
grzbietowy 🐬
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of, on, or near the back of an animal
a dorsal fin
grzbietowy 🐬
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of, on, or near the back of an animal
a dorsal fin
rykowisko, gon (okres godowy u kozic i danieli)
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rut, rutting season
Male red deer are starting their rut.
łączyć coś z czymś
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marry something with something
zapadalność, liczba powikłań, zachorowalność
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the morbidity of a disease is how many people have it in a particular population: the fact of being too interested in unpleasant subjects, especially death:
morbidity rates morbidity statistics. She remembered her dead brother without morbidity.
moment trzymający w napięciu, chwila napięcia, chwila grozy opowieść trzymająca w napięciu
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a story or a situation that is exciting because its ending or result is uncertain until it happens
Many of Hitchcock's films are real cliffhangers. It looks as if the election is going to be a cliffhanger.
rodzaj i (drugi człon nazwy gatunku zwierzęcia)
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genus and specific name
Species are grouped together into genera, genera into orders, and orders into classes
torpedować, storpedować (np. statek, plan)
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a long, thin bomb that travels underwater in order to destroy the ship at which it is aimed. to destroy
He accused them of trying to torpedo the peace process.
startować, uruchamiać (komputer)
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boot up
You boot a PC by pressing the largest button on the computer tower. My mom doesn't even know how to boot a laptop, not to mention typing.
posiadać (licencję), mieć opinię --> utrzymywać
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Our employees are required to hold a driving license. A glass of red wine is held to be good for the health.
mecz towarzyski
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friendly (match)
We're playing a friendly against France.
roztocz (drobny pajęczak lądowy lub wodny, pasożytujący na roślinach), drobną rzecz, kruszynka
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a very small animal similar to a spider. a young child, especially one deserving sympathy: a very small amount, slightly
Poor little mite, he looks so tired. He seemed a mite embarrassed.
skośne oczy
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slant eyes
szczyt czegoś
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the height of something
the time when a situation or event is strongest or most full of activity:
August is the height of the tourist season. At the height of the crisis we were left without any help.
kopalnia (np. wiedzy); potęga
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Our university library is a powerhouse of knowledge. he is a powerhouse of everything connected to the Italian cuisine. Looking at the line-ups for the Olympics, USA seems to be a major powerhouse.
przedmiot fakultatywny, fakultet (do wyboru na uniwersytecie; obieralny
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a subject that someone chooses to study, in addition to the subjects that they have to study:(of a medical treatment) done at a time chosen by the patient, rather than needed urgently:
During the MBA you will choose ten to twelve electives from a large and varied portfolio. This procedure was elective and non-urgent. She had her first child by an elective Caesarean section.
trudne okoliczności stawiają na drodze różnych ludzi
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adversity makes strange bedfellows
współtowarzysz, dzielący wspólny los
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a person connected with another in a particular activity
The priest and the politician made strange/odd/unlikely bedfellows in their campaign for peace. SMART Vocabulary:
łagodzenie, załagodzenie (efektów, wyroku)
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the act of reducing how harmful, unpleasant, or bad something is: something that causes you to judge a crime to be less serious, or to make a punishment less severe:
effective mitigation of climate change There has been no significant increase in funding for flood mitigation works.
listwa, 🪵
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a thin, narrow piece of wood, plastic, or metal used to make floors, furniture, window coverings, etc
The base of the bed was made of slats
robić dobrą minę do złej gry
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make the best out of a bad grain
odnośnie najniższej warstwy wodnej przestrzeni
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living in or relating to the lowest levels of the sea or other body of water:
Most adult shrimp are benthic creatures, living close to the sea floor. The lake's benthic zone is home to most of the freshwater invertebrates on which larger fish feed.
Chlor w basenie powoduje ból oczu.
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The chlorine in the pool makes my eyes sore.
a chemical element that is a greenish-yellow gas with a strong smell, added to water in order to kill organisms that might cause infection
The chlorine in the pool makes my eyes sore.l
pozostałość po czymś
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a hangover from something
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skwapliwość, zwawosc
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speed and eagerness:
with alacrity. She accepted the money with alacrity
potok, ruczaj, strumień
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Can't you see the lovely brook as it flows through the valley?
płyta wiórowa
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a chipboard
hard material made from small pieces of wood mixed with glue, often used instead of wood in making furniture because it is cheaper:
rechot, rechotać 🐸
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She croaked the words, still only half able to believe them
bawić się w aportowanie
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play fetch
it's such a torment to constantly play fetch with my dog. It won't just want to cut out.
zdatny do żeglugi,
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przewód USB
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USB cable
ławica, stado (delfinów) 🐬
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I saw a dolphin pod while I was scuba diving.
1) medium. 2) paranormalny, parapsychologiczny
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having a special mental ability, for example so that you are able to know what will happen in the future or know what people are thinking:
psychic powers. Try three or four psychics and see what they had to say. All the psychics we know are on the other side now.
osoba niepożądana. nieodpowiedni (o zachowaniu. niepożądany
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I don't want that criminal and other undesirables in my city... Too much room there for conflict of an undesirable kind.
zdradzić sekret, выдать секрет
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let the cat out of the bag
теперь всё зависит от тебя
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the ball is in your court
pierwiastek drugiego stopnia
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square root
amortyzować (upadek)
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cushion, break
absorb a force
Branches broke his fall from the tree.
staroświecki, przestarzały,
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Is it simply an antiquated law we no longer need?
potknięcie, lapsus, pomyłka
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make a mistake
Keep at it, even if you slip up along the way. These figures don't make sense - have we slipped up somewhere?
palent, przygłup 🇺🇸
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a stupid person fathead 🇬🇧
Some bozo on a motorcycle almost ran me over.
ostrzec kogoś; 2) POUCZYĆ
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I would caution against taking such a line. I got cautioned for speeding yesterday.
namawiać kogoś, nakłaniać; ułożyć włosy
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to manage to get something to do something, or something to happen, by being very patient and taking great care:
But even the parents could not coax their children from the house. Perhaps you could coax your father into taking you to the station. Stem cells are coaxed to grow into a variety of cells that can be injected into patients.
wzór na coś, przepis, formułka
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It's the same formula he has used all his life. She learned the formula by heart.
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the personal servant of an officer, especially in the British armed forces
z łatwością, bez trudu
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a mile off
If you can see or tell something a mile off, you notice it easily and quickly
She's lying - you can tell it a mile off.
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Quickly I could see that we were more dissimilar than similar.
zakrętka do butelki
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a bottle cap
poruszać się dymiąc (o pociągu), tøffe
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to make a sound like the sound of someone blowing out air quickly and forcefully, or like the sound a steam engine makes:
He'd fallen asleep easily to the stamp and chuff of horses. A train chuffs in the valley, and the sound rises up to us. The bison reared, chuffing and stamping
urząd gminy
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the municipal office
nawołujący, namawiający
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involving an attempt to strongly encourage or persuade someone to do something
He is fond of exhortative statements such as "Do it!" and "You can be better!"
co do joty, w każdym szczególe (jak napisano)
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to the letter
It's very important that my instructions be carried out to the letter

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