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Mam dużego psa. (G)
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I've got a big dog.
Nie mam wielu problemów. (G)
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I haven't got many problems.
Nie masz dziś zebrania. (G)
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You haven't got a meeting today.
Masz moją komórkę! (G)
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You've got my mobile!
On ma dwóch braci. (G)
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He's got two brothers.
On nie ma nowego samochodu. (G)
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He hasn't got a new car.
Ona ma wspaniałe pomysły. (G)
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She's got great ideas.
Ona nie ma dzieci. (G)
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She hasn't got children.
Moja szefowa ma służbowy samochód. (G)
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My boss has got a company car.
Mój szef nie ma wolnego czasu. (G)
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My boss hasn't got free time.
Masz mój długopis? (G)
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Have you got my pen?
Czy ja mam dziś coś do zrobienia? (G)
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Have I got anything to do today?
Czy ona ma męża? (G)
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Has she got a husband?
Czy on ma mieszkanie? (G)
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Has he got a flat?
Czy wasza łazienka ma okno? (G)
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Has your bathroom got a window?
Co masz w kieszeni? (G)
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What have you got in your pocket?
Co ona ma w torebce? (G)
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What has she got in her bag?
Czy ja mam dzisiaj spotkanie?
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Do I have a meeting today?
Czy ona ma służbowy laptop?
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Does she have a company laptop?
Czy miałeś zwierzątko jako dziecko?
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Did you have a pet as a child?
Czy on miał pracę w ubiegłym roku?
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Did he have a job last year?
Gdzie masz swoje klucze?
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Where do you have your keys?
Gdzie Adam ma swoje biurko?
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Where does Adam have his desk?
Nie mam bladego pojęcia!
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I don't have any idea!
Nie mamy w pracy lekcji szwedzkiego.
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We don't have Swedish lessons at work.
Mój szef nie ma cierpliwości.
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My boss doesn't have patience.
Ewa nie ma dziś czasu.
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Eve doesn't have time today.
Nasi dziadkowie nie mieli tabletów.
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Our grandparents didn't have tablets.
Szekspir nie miał motoru.
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Shakespeare didn't have a motorbike.
Mieszko miał konia.
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Mieszko had a horse.
Jarek ma kota.
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Jarek has a cat.
Mam dobrą pracę.
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I have a good job.
Masz piękne marzenia.
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You have beautiful dreams.
Ona ma niebieskawą bluzkę.
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She has a blueish blouse.
On ma zielonkawy sweter.
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He has a greenish jumper.
Mamy czas. Wyluzuj.
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We have time. Chill out.

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