Garazi 16th July 2014

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Domanda English Risposta English
the mark (,) used in writing to show a short pause or to separate things in a list
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someone who is in a ... has been unconscious for a long time, usually because of a serious illness or injury
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be in/go into/come out of a coma
extremely important and necessary
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A good diet is essential for everyone.
a large boat with a sail, used for pleasure or sport, especially one that has a place where you can sleep
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have a good day
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have a good one
the form of British pronunciation that many educated people in Britain use, and that is thought of as the standard form
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Received Pronunciation
the dark shape that someone or something makes on a surface when they are between that surface and the light
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the place where God is believed to live and where good people are believed to go when they die
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a small wooden or paper stick with a special substance at the top, that you use to light a fire, cigarette etc
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a marriage or two people who are married; perfect for each other
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a peferct match; a match made in heaven
something such as a poem or a sentence that you use to help you remember a rule, a name etc
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able to be done or completed
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We've got to think first whether this plan is doable.
the time when day is just starting to become night = dusk
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AT twilight / AT dusk
the time at the beginning of the day when light first appears = daybreak
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AT dawn

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