for their part 28-02-2012

 0    22 schede    kristof
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z ich strony
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for their part
umywać ręce od
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to wash your hands of
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zmierzają do, skłaniają się ku
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tent to
raje podatkowe
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tax-free havens
żywi gracze
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human players
beztrosko, nonszalancko
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grievance The Gambling Commision has washed its hands of overseeing online poker, suggesting airily that British players with a grievance contact the relevant regulator oversees.
tak jak z wieloma innymi poczynaniami w internecie
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as with many activities on the internet
to be wary
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by czujnym, ostronym
jeśli nie możesz namierzyć frajera przy stole, wtedy prawdopodobnie ty nim jesteś.
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if you can't spot the sucker at the table, then it's probably you.
o włos
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by a whisker He lost but only by a whisker.
wyrósł na
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has grown to became
stawiać, zakładać się
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to wager
w przeciwieństwie do
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unlike sth
mierzą, celują w
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they target something
za pięć lat za jakiś czas
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five years down the line down the line
oprzeć się pokusie
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resist the temptation
wodzi nas na pokuszenie
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to lead us into temptation
poddawać się pokusie
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succumb to temptation
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gear, equipment
wsteczny bieg
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reverse gear (for driving backwards)

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