fixed phrases

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Domanda English Risposta English
act together to achieve aim
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make common cause with sb
act and ve successful, even though sth is new
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rise to the challenge,
give every exact detail
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give chapter and verse
control, prevent from becoming too powerful
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hold/keep in check
persn with important position
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big cheese
bravely accept criticism, punishment
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take sth on the chin
keep changing (your mind)
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chop and change
make sb feel sympathy/enthusiasm
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strike a chord
thing which makes sb unusual/important
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claim to fame
admit the truth, confese
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come clean
avoid sb/sth
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steer/stay clean
end association
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part company with
of no value/importance
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of no /little consequence
be less thorough
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cut corners
not as good as people say, it is/ overestimated (byc przereklamowanym)
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not all it's cracked up to be
restrict one's behaviour in some way (przeszkadzac komus, ograniczac kogos)
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cramp one's style

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