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Masz ochotę na szklankę soku ananasowego?
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Would you like a glass of pineapple juice?
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Jesteście spragnieni?
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Are you thirsty?
Chce wam sie pić?
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Do you want to drink?
Nie jesteście spragnieni?
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Are not you thirsty?
Nie chce wam się pić?
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I do not want to drink?
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Nie jestem już głodny.
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I'm not hungry anymore.
jestem głodny.
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I'm hungry.
Jesteś głodny?
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Are you hungry?
już nie
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vegetables, veg, veggies
Nasza sąsiadka zwykle na obiad jada warzywa.
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Our neighbor usually eat vegetables for dinner.
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oczko w czyjeś głowie
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the apple of someone's eye
Idziemy na targ kupic owoce.
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We are going to the market to buy some fruits.
Ewa zjadła wszystkie jabłka.
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Eve ate all the apples.

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