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Domanda Risposta
bardzo wysoki budynek
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a very tall building
przed budynkiem
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in front of the building
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to clean up
posprzątaj swoje biuro
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clean up your office
zamieć podłogę
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sweep the floor
na podłodze
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on the floor
omawiać problem
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to discuss a problem
rozmawiać o polityce
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discussing politics
pozmywać po obiedzie
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to wash up after dinner
zmywanie wieczorem
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washing-up in the evening
filiżanka, kubek
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a cup
filiżanka herbaty
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a cup of tea
szklanka, kieliszek
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a glass
filiżanki i szklanki
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cups and glasses
tort, ciastko
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a cake
tort weselny
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a wedding cake
z filiżanki czy ze szklanki
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from a cup or from a glass
para butów
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a pair of shoes
na rynek
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to the market
rozbić jajko
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te break an egg

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