ESL Podcast 2 - Getting Up

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wstawać z łóżka
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to get up
to get out of bed; to leave one’s bed * This morning I got up very quickly because the baby was crying.
budzić się
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to wake up
to awaken; to stop sleeping * She always leaves her curtains open so that she can wake up with the sunlight.
radzić sobie, kontrolować coś
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to handle
to manage; to deal with; to control * Are you sure that you can handle taking six classes this semester?
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the top-most, thickest cover for a bed, usually made of feathers or other warm material * In the winter, they sleep under a very thick comforter, but in the summer they don’t use it.
lekki koc
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light blanket
a thin cover for a bed, made of wool, cotton, or other material * When Marcos saw Maria sleeping on the sofa, he covered her with a light blanket so she wouldn’t be too cold.
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a soft cushion for one’s head in bed, usually filled with feathers, cotton, or other material * Why do people decorate their beds with so many pillows? I only need one to sleep on.
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the fabric covering a pillow; the material that covers a pillow to keep it clean * They bought new pillowcases to match the color of their bedroom walls.
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two pieces of large, thin fabric placed on a bed – one to lie on and one to lie under * How often do you change the sheets on your bed?
pasować (do reszty stroju)
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to match
to have the same color or colors that look good together; to make a good combination; to look good together * Do you think that this sweater matches these pants?
drażniący, irytujący, denerwujący
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irritating, unpleasant, or annoying to one’s ears * The children were fighting during the car trip and their arguments became very jarring to their parents.
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an electronic device that makes a long, continuous buzzing sound, similar to that of a flying insect like a fly * Many TV game shows use a buzzer when participants answer a question incorrectly.
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the layers of fabric that cover a bed; the cloth material that covers a bed and that keep one warm * When my husband sleeps, he always steals the covers and then I get so cold at night!
doprowadzać kogoś do szału
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to drive sb nuts
to make someone angry, irritated, or crazy * Please stop singing that song over and over again. You’re driving me nuts!
budzenie na zawołanie
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wake up call
a hotel service that calls guests at a time the guest wants to wake them up in the morning * He missed his flight because the hotel forgot to give him a wake-up call.
ranny ptaszek
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early riser
a person who enjoys waking up early in the morning * Because Samuel is an early riser, he usually makes breakfast for his wife so that she can sleep a little later.
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to oversleep
to oversleep – to sleep too late; to sleep past the time that one is supposed to * Sasha overslept and missed her biology exam. Do you think her professor will let her take it another day?
odsypiać, pospać sobie np w weekend
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to sleep in
to sleep later than usual * Teenagers love to sleep in on weekends. Sometimes they don’t wake up until noon!
przynajmniej, co najmniej
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at least
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