Elinga 5th Aug 2015

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the day after tomorrow
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the day before yesterday
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Co zamierzasz z tym zrobić?
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What are you going to do about it?
W zeszłym miesiącu zaczęłam czytać ciekawą książkę.
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Last month I started reading an interesting book.
jeździć na rowerze
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to ride a bike
nie miałam wolnego czasu
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I didn't have free time.
How often DOES your wife (
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she) go to the pool?
O której godzinie wstałaś w poniedziałek?
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What time did you get up on Monday?
O której godzinie wstajesz w poniedziaki?
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What time do you get up on Mondays?
Jakie jest twoje ulubione warzywo?
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what IS your favourite vegetable?
Jakie są twoje ulubione warzywa?
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What are your favourite vegetables?

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