Elinga 1st July 2015

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zorganizować spotkanie
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to arrange/to organise a meeting
Kiedy masz czas, żeby pojechać do Niemiec?
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When do you have time to go to Germany?
Czy masz ...?
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have you got ...? / do you have ...?
czy masz psa?
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Have you got a dog? / Do you have a dog?
Czy masz chłopaka?
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Do you have a boyfriend? / Have you got a boyfriend?
Czy masz dużo pieniędzy?
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Do you have a lot of money? / Have you got a lot of money?
Mam dużo jabłek.
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I have a lot of apples.
Moja siostra ma dużo przyjaciół.
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My sister has a lot of apples.
czy on ma brata?
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DoES he have a brother? / HAS he got a brother?
na zdrowie (gdy ktoś kichnie)
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bless you
Nie mam żadnych planów.
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I haven't GOT any plans. / I don't have any plans
Mam plany na długi weekend.
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I have plans for the long weekend. / I have got plans for the long weekend.
Ona ma psa.
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She has a dog./ She has got a dog.
We have a lot of questions. / We have got a lot of questions.
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We have a lot of questions. / We have got a lot of questions.
Mam kota.
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I have got a cat. / I've got a cat. / I have a cat.
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to sing - sang - sung
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Czy umiesz śpiewać?
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Can you sing?
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lady / woman
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to die - died - died
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to swallow
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of course
była stara kobieta
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there was an old lady
jest stara kobieta
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there is an old lady
były dwie stare kobiety
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there were two old ladies
są dwie stare kobiety
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there are two old ladies
naucz się tego na pamięć
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learn it by heart
Miło mi cię poznać.
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Nice to meet you. / Pleased to meet you.
Mnie również miło cię poznać.
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Nice to meet you too.
robić notatki
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to take notes
jedynak / jedynaczka
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an only child
Było miło cię poznać.
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It was nice to meet you.
Mam nadzieję, że zobaczymy się niedługo.
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I hope to see you soon.

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