Elinga 13th Oct 2014

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Mój brat jest studentem.
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My brother is A student.
NEVER: I'm brother is student.
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czy możesz powtórzyć?
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can you repeat?
jak daleko (to jest)?
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how far is it?
ile to kosztuje?
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how much is it?
ile czasu?
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how much time?
ile mamy czasu?
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how much time DO we have?
ile czasu on ma?
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how much time does he have?
ile pieniędzy?
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how much money?
ile masz pieniędzy?
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how much money do you have?
ile oni mają pieniędzy?
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how much money do they have?
ile masz mleka?
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How much milk do you have?
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ile masz rowerów?
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how many bikeS do you have?
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bike = bicycle
ile butelek mleka masz?
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how many bottles of milk do you have?
jedna szklanka / dwie szklanki
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one glass / two glasses
ile szklanek wody chcesz?
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how many glasses of water do you want?
ile butelek piwa on chce?
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how many bottles of beer does he want?
szklanka wody
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a glass OF water
butelka wódki
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a bottle OF vodka
gdzie teraz jesteś?
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where are you now?
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to sit
czy jesteś głodna?
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are you hungry?
czy jesteś zmęczona?
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are you tired?
czy twój brat jest głodny?
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is your brother hungry?
jakiej jesteś narodowości?
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what's your nationality?
czy jesteś Litwinem?
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Are you Lithunian?
w centrum
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in the centre
Mieszkam w centrum.
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I live in the center.
ja nie mieszkam w centrum.
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I don't live in the city.
On nie mieszka w centrum.
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he doesn't live in the centre.
czy on mieszka w centrum?
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DOES he live in the centre?
no, he doesn't.
yes, he does.
Czy ty mieszkasz w centrum?
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DO you live in the centre?
No, I don't.
Yes, I do.
Ja pracuję w Wilnie.
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I work in Vilnius.
Nie pracuję w Wilnie.
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I don't work in Vilnius.
czy twój tata pracuje w Polsce?
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DOES your dad work in Poland?
No, he doesn't.
Yes, he does.
czy palisz papierosy?
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do you smoke?
Yes, I do.
No, I don't.
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czy twój mąż pali?
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does your husband smoke?
czy lubisz czekoladę?
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Do you LIKE chocolate?
czy lubisz kawę z mlekiem?
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Do you like coffee with milk?
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a bit
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