Dwelling Space Standards - SUMMARY

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Dwelling Space Standards
Single storey dwelling (4 bed 6 person = 99sq.m) Two storey dwelling (4 bed 6 person = 107sq.m) Three storey dwelling (4 bed 6 person = 113sq.m)
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Standardy Mieszkaniowych standartów
gross internal area
For dwellings designed for more than 6 people, at least 10sq.m. gross internal area should be provided for each additional person.
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Powierzchnia wewnętrzna brutto
Dwelling plans should demonstrate that dwellings will accommodate the furniture, access and activity space requirements relating to the declared level of occupancy.
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Circulation in the home
The minimum width of hallways and other circulation spaces inside the home should be 900mm. This may reduce to 750mm
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Krążenie w domu
Minimum clear opening width of doorway (mm) = 750
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Living / dining / kitchen
The following combined floor areas for living / kitchen / dining space should be met: 2 person = 23sq.m. 3 person = 25sq.m. 4 person= 27sq.m. 5 person= 29sq.m. 6 person= 31sq.m.
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Salon / jadalnia / kuchnia
Designed level of occupancy
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ilość osób
sitting area
The minimum width of the main sitting area should be 2.8m in 2-3 person dwellings and 3.2m in dwellings designed for four or more people.
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miejsce do siedzenia
three or more bedrooms
Dwellings with three or more bedrooms should have two living spaces, for example a living room and a kitchen-dining room. Both rooms should have external windows.
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trzy lub więcej sypialni
three or more bedrooms
Both rooms should have external windows. If a kitchen is adjacent to the living room, the internal partition between the rooms should not be load-bearing, to allow for reconfiguration as an open plan arrangement.
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trzy lub więcej sypialni
adjacent to
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load-bearing wall
the internal partition between the rooms should not be load-bearing, to allow for reconfiguration as an open plan arrangement.
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ściana nośna
There should be space for turning a wheelchair in dining areas and living rooms and basic circulation space for wheelchairs elsewhere
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wózek inwalidzki
entrance level
A living room, living space or kitchen dining room should be at entrance level
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Poziom wejściowy
Bedrooms AREA
The minimum area of a single bedroom should be 8 sq m. The minimum area of a double or twin bedroom should be 12 sq m.
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OBSZAR sypialnie
Bedrooms WIDTH
The minimum width of double and twin bedrooms should be 2.75m in most of the length of the room.
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Sypialnie Szerokość
convenient temporary bed space
In homes of two or more storeys with no permanent bedroom at entrance level=, there should be space on the entrance level that could be used as a convenient temporary bed space
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wygodna tymczasowa sypialnia
ceiling hoist
Structure above a main bedroom and an accessible bathroom should be capable of supporting a ceiling hoist and the design should allow for a reasonable route between this bedroom and bathroom
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podnośnik sufitowy
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Bathrooms and WCs
Dwellings designed for an occupancy of five or more people should provide a minimum of one bathroom with WC and one additional WC.
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Łazienki i toalety
Bathrooms and WCs
Where there is no accessible bathroom at entrance level=, a wheelchair accessible WC with potential for a shower to be installed should be provided at entrance level
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Łazienki i toalety
Private open space
A minimum of 5 sq m of private outdoor space should be provided for 1-2 person dwellings and an extra 1 sq m should be provided for each additional occupant.
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Prywatna otwarta przestrzeń
The minimum depth and width of all balconies and other private external spaces is 1500mm.
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the designer should demonstrate how good levels of ventilation, daylight and privacy will be achieved in each habitable room and the kitchen.
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Floor to ceiling heights
The minimum floor to ceiling height in habitable rooms is 2.5m between finished floor level and finished ceiling level.
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Wysokość od podłogi do sufitu
A minimum floor to ceiling height of 2.6m in habitable rooms is considered desirable
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encouraged to do something
taller ceiling heights are encouraged in ground floor dwellings.
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zachęca do zrobienia czegoś
Daylight and sunlight
Glazing to all habitable rooms should be not less than 20% of the internal floor area of the room.
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Światło i słońce
stair providing easy access
In the Lifetime Homes Criteria a stair providing easy access is defined as one having maximum risers of 170mm, minimum goings of 250mm and a minimum width of 900mm measured 450mm above the pitch line.
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schody zapewnia łatwy dostęp
double loaded
double loaded (they serve dwellings on each side)
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podwójnie obciążony
Entrance and approach
All main entrances to houses, ground floor flats and communal entrance lobbies should be visible from the public realm and clearly identified.
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Wejście i podejście
communal entrance lobbies
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komunalne hole wejściowe
public realm
All main entrances to houses, ground floor flats and communal entrance lobbies should be visible from the public realm and clearly identified.
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sfera publiczna
gently sloping
The approach to all entrances should preferably be level or gently sloping
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łagodnie opadający
be level
The approach to all entrances should preferably be level or gently sloping
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być na poziomie
All entrances should be illuminated and, have level access over the threshold
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All entrances should be illuminated and, have level access over the threshold
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Entrance doors
Entrance doors should have 300mm of clear space to the pull side, and clear minimum opening widths of 800mm or 825mm depending on the direction and width of approach.
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Drzwi zewnętrzne
pull side
Entrance doors should have 300mm of clear space to the pull side, and clear minimum opening widths of 800mm or 825mm depending on the direction and width of approach
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odstęp z boku
external landing
Main entrances should have weather protection and a level external landing.
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Zewnętrzne podest
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wspólne / społeczne
Evidence Summary
Summary of evidence on proposed housing design standards for the Examination in Public of the draft replacement London Plan
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Podsumowanie dowodów

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