double comparatives

3  1    7 schede    katarzyna_jankowska
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The more adventurous it is, the more I like it.
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........ it is,........ I like it.
The less I see him, the more I like him.
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........ I see him,........ I like him.
stary / mądry
The older we grow, the wiser we become.
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........ we grow, ........ we become.
wysoki / zimny
The higher you climb, the colder it gets.
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........ you climb, ........ it gets.
wkrótce / dobrze
The sooner they go, the better it is.
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........ they go, ........ it is.
szybko / niebezpiecznie
The faster the car is, the more dangerous it is to drive.
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........ the car is,........ it is to drive.
trudne / słodkie
The more difficult the task is, the sweeter it is to succeed.
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........ the task is, ........ it is to succeed.

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